Lactation after loss

We are so sorry you are here.

You are not alone.

Our hearts are with you sending you gentle love and gentle courage

Please refer to the links below for further clarification on more of the topics/resources reference in the pamphlet you received.

  • Courage in Time

    Nonprofit organization based in NJ founded by Jillian, Lorenzo’s mom. They support families who have experienced stillbirth and neonatal loss through curated bereavement boxes, grief and postpartum resources, and connection to other bereaved families.

  • Fourth Trimester Foundations

    Postpartum nurses Carly and Meg provide postpartum educations to new moms. You are postpartum no matter if you baby is in your arms or not. Ask any questions you have and they will be back in touch.

  • The Lactation Mama

    Sophie Viamonte, RN and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) can help to clarify questions you may have, or be able to connect you with someone who can.

  • No More Milk Tea

    Earth Mama caffeine free tea (hot or cold)
    Ingredients like peppermint, sage and jasmine help to reduce milk supply.

    Can be found at Target, Walmart, or Amazon.

  • Hand Expression

    To relieve discomfort when breast feels as firm as your forehead.

    1- massage breast for a few minutes

    2- with a C-hold of your hand outside of areola, push back towards chest wall, then slowly and gently bring fingers in C hold together.

    3- rotate your hold around breast to get all sections that you are looking for relief

  • Plugged duct vs mastitis

    Both are can be painful, but telling the difference and making the changes if necessary are important.

    Below is a comprehensive list of the characteristics of the two. Reaching out to your OB/midwife should always still apply.

    This list does not list baby as a cause for either.

  • Formal Breastmilk Donation

    Donating your breastmilk to NICU and premature babies may feel comforting to some.
    There is a screening process that will happen, and if approved can be sent with no cost for materials or shipping.

  • Informal Breastmilk Donation

    Informal milk donations is done through parents of babies who are breastfed, but are unable to provide/find milk that suits their babies needs.
    Human Milk 4 Human Babies (linked below) is on facebook. Eats on Feets is another option.

  • Memory Making with Breastmilk

    Making jewelry at any point in your journey can be incredibly meaningful. Here is a starting place of shops owned by mothers who have experienced an infant loss:

    Milk Maid Memories

    Ten Tiny Toes Jewelry Co

    Marky Baby Milk Jewelry